Hulda Sif

Jafnvel lognið er hvasst /
    Even the calm is stormy

A preface of motherhood in the shadow of bipolar disorder

Jafnvel Lognið er hvasst / Even the calm is stormy
Graduation work
My sister is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, just like our father, that however does not take away from her the desire of carrying her own child.
Although a more problematic procedure than for many others, she decided to go ahead with a pregnancy. This meant taking a risk and going off medication through the process.

Simultaneously intrigued and worried I follow her journey in becoming a mother.

The work discusses not only my sisters condition and her becoming a mother but also how society sees, reacts to and faces the taboo that comes with mental illnesses and motherhood through mental illness.

Looking at our societal structure there is little space for failure, imperfections and unfamiliarities.

This is especially true in the reality of mothers. Reflecting upon my own environment and motherhood I expose the raw reality that exist within that construct, shedding light on both the beauty and often harsh existence mothers and mothers to be faced and fought against.